Bubur Pedas Sambas. It is usually served during Ramadan after the Muslim ending their fast on the iftar time. Namun, setelah saya mencoba "Bubur Pedas ala Sambas", ternyata bubur ini tak pedas.
VLOG RESEP BUBUR PEDAS | VLOG MASAK | CARA MASAK BUBOR ... (Jose Williamson) It is usually served during Ramadan after the Muslim ending their fast on the iftar time. Bubur Pedas merupakan masakan khas suku Melayu Sambas, salah satu kabupaten yang ada di Kalimantan Barat. This type of porridge comes from the Malays on Sambas in West Kalimantan and later adapted as the food for the.
Hingga di suatu sore, saat itu saya begitu penasaran ingin segera mencicipi Bubur Pedas khas Sambas ini.
Bubur pedas (Jawi: بوبور ڤدس) is a traditional porridge dish for the Malays both in Sambas, West Kalimantan (Indonesia) and Sarawak (Malaysia).
Bubur Pedas from Sambas, West Kalimantan | Kalimantan
Bubur Pedas Sambas dan Soto Banjar Bisa Dicicipi di ...
Bubur Pedas from Sambas, West Kalimantan
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Diary Naya
Sejarah Di Balik Bubur Pedas Kuliner Khas Sambas ...
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In Sarawak, it is usually served during Ramadan after the Muslim ending their fast on the Iftar time. Bubur pedas terbuat dari beras yang ditumbuk halus dan dioseng. Bubur pedas terbuat dari nasi halus dan kelapa parut.